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Apple LaserWriter IINTX
Black & White laser printer, max. 300x300 dpi, works Perfectly
Recommended Driver: Postscript1 (Home page, View PPD, directly download PPD)
Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler


Set Switch 1 and 2 down, all others up, use serial connection at 9600 baud with XON/XOFF handshaking. Send the printer postscript. Apple's web pages have good information on switch settings, and even a suggested printcap file. Search for "LaserWriter AND unix" in thier Older Hardware section.

You will need to build a funny serial cable to turn DSR/DTR handshaking into RTS/CTS.

Consumables/Refills: Toner cartridge, around $60 new, refills okay


The following driver(s) are known to drive this printer:

Recommended driver:

Postscript1  (driver home page)
This driver is free software.
Type: PostScript
Download:PPD file: View PPD, directly download PPD