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This driver is free software.
Type: Filter

Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler, PPD aware applications/clients,

Important for Windows clients: The CUPS PostScript driver for Windows has a bug which makes it choking on PPD files which contain GUI texts longer than 39 characters. Therefore it is recommended to use Adobe's PostScript driver. If you still want to use the CUPS driver, please mark "GUI texts limited to 39 characters" to get an appropriate PPD file.

Select printer:
the PPD file



Should work on Lexmark 57xx, 7xxx, Z51, Z82 (many cases untested due to lack of appropriate printers).

Black/White printing at 600x600 dpi.

Preliminary 600x600 dpi colour printing in CMY and CMYK mode - tested on Lexmark 7000.

Note: Due to a Ghostscript bug users of Ghostscript 5.50 or older must set the "Memory Limit" ("MemLimit", if you do not use Foomatic, use the Ghostscript option "-dMaxBitmap=value") option to 120 MB and need at least this amount of free virtual memory to be able to print in colour. For newer versions of Ghostscript there are no special memory needs.

Only 600dpi color is provided by foomatic yet!

This driver is not maintained any more by its original author. We have re-hosted it here on the OpenPrinting web site.

If you want to know more about these printers and want to make driver with more capabilities, like 1200x600 dpi, have a look at the "lx5000" driver, documentation of the printer's protocol, and maintenance tools here.

Note that the "lx5000" driver does not work reliably, it often makes Ghostscript hang in an infinite loop.


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