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This driver is free software.
Type: Ghostscript built-in

Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler, PPD aware applications/clients,

Important for Windows clients: The CUPS PostScript driver for Windows has a bug which makes it choking on PPD files which contain GUI texts longer than 39 characters. Therefore it is recommended to use Adobe's PostScript driver. If you still want to use the CUPS driver, please mark "GUI texts limited to 39 characters" to get an appropriate PPD file.

Select printer:
the PPD file



This driver is available in the Ghostscript Printer Application

This driver is derived from HP's chp2200 driver. Timur Maximov has posted a patch for introducing this driver into GPL Ghostscript 8.63 on the forums. Patches for both GPL Ghostscript 8.63 and 8.64 are available on the download URL. GPL Ghostscript 8.65 will already contain the driver.

The new driver will simply use the different page start and end sequences needed by the DesignJet 500 and 800 but otherwise be the same as "chp2200".

The driver can be added to the Ghostscript source of the versions 8.63 and 8.64 by applying the appropriate patches. Note that for Ghostscript 8.64 you need to re-run "./autogen.sh" after applying the patch. Or get the Ghostscript under development from the Subversion repositories, there the driver is already included.


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