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See drivers at the bottom of this page.
Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler

The properties of this printer are not yet entered into the database
This printer is only listed here because it is in the list of supported printers of the entries for the drivers shown below.


The following driver(s) are known to drive this printer:

min12xxw  (driver home page)
This driver is free software.
Type: Filter
Download:Driver packages: x86 32 bit: 0.0.9 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 0.0.9 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 0.0.9 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 0.0.9 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed), x86 64 bit: 0.0.9 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 0.0.9 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 0.0.9 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 0.0.9 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed) (How to install)
PPD file: View PPD, directly download PPD